VEX Robotics World Championship
All students are natural scientists and engineers. They love to question, tinker, experiment and play. VEX competitions foster these skills and capitalize on the motivational effects of competitions and robotics to help all students create an identity as a STEM learner. VEX competitions are also a great way to expose students to valuable soft skills like communication, collaboration and time-management in a fun and authentic way. The VEX Robotics competition prepares students to become future innovators with 95% of participants reporting an increased interest in STEM subject areas and pursuing STEM-related careers. Tournaments are held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels and culminate at the VEX Robotics World Championship each April!
Grade 4 - 8
- More than 8,500 teams from 45 countries playing in over 900 tournaments
- Local, regional, national, and world competitions
- Teamwork Challenge: Two teams working together to maximize their score
- Robot Skills Challenge: One robot playing alone against the clock
- STEM Research Project: Students use the scientific method to research and solve a challenge
Grade 6 - 12
- More than 11,500 teams from 40 countries playing in over 750 tournaments
- Local, regional, national, and world competitions
- Standard Matches: Two alliances of two teams each playing against each other
- Robot Skills Challenge: One robot playing alone against the clock
- Online Challenges: Unique contests using CAD, animation, essays, and more